Med Spa

Not only is Infinity Medical Group experienced to handle your healthcare needs, but we also provide high-quality, state-of-the-art Med Spa facial, body, skin care services to our patients, too. These services give our patients convenient access to aesthetic skin treatments performed by the trained professionals they already know and trust. In many cases, our advanced skin rejuvenation therapies give patients the changes in their appearance they want, but without the downtime of traditional procedures.

Our offerings include skin rejuvenation therapies like DermaFrac™, RF needling, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and laser skin rejuvenation. We have an array of dermal filler options based on collagen, hyaluronic acid, or water gel. Patients can choose Botox® botulinum toxin a to help prevent the development of fine lines and wrinkles. We also offer patients laser hair removal services for both the face and body. A new addition to our offerings includes cryobiosis, a procedure that uses cold to target and destroy unwanted fat cells.

We also offer therapy, the only FDA-approved non-invasive ultrasound treatment designed to gradually lift the skin of the face, brow, and neck to smooth lines and wrinkles. Ultherapy is a safe alternative to the traditional surgical facelift procedure and offers similar benefits without the risks or downtime of surgery.

We also offer our patients a range of quality skin care products to keep your skin looking great after your Med Spa procedure.


The Infinity Medical Group is pleased to offer DermaFrac™, a state-of-the-art 4 in 1 advanced skin treatment that combines microdermabrasion, micro-needling, LED light therapy, and product infusion into one powerful anti-aging procedure.

The microdermabrasion part of the procedure gently removes the outermost layer of skin cells, revealing new skin underneath.

The micro-needling part of the procedure uses tiny needles to create microscopic holes in the skin. These tiny punctures prompt the body to produce new skin cells and increase collagen production, which leaves the skin looking fresh and toned.

The LED light therapy part of DermaFrac™ uses LED light therapy to stimulate the body to increase both collagen and skin cell production. Collagen is important to the skin’s ability to expand and contract, and increase production also provides powerful anti-aging benefits.

The final part of the DermaFrac™ procedure is product infusion. After the micro-needling procedure opens the skin, your skin will be evaluated to find the best serum or skin care product to treat your skin’s needs.

DermiFrac is an excellent treatment to rejuvenate the skin. It is also beneficial to patients who want to reduce pore size and lighten the appearance of acne scars.

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As we age, our skin begins to wrinkle and sag. Ultherapy is a safe, non-surgical treatment to combat these signs of aging by lifting the skin using ultrasound. Ultrasound waves allow providers the ability to the layers of the skin being treated to make sure the patient is receiving the energy where it is most beneficial. Ultherapy can penetrate deep into the layers of the skin, unlike other treatments which can only treat the surface of the skin.

The ultrasonic energy of the procedure triggers the body’s natural regenerative response. The body increases collagen production, which tightens the skin, smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles. The treatment is used to lift the skin of the eyebrow, under the chin, the neck, and the chest.

Ultherapy is the first FDA-approved ultrasound treatment for lifting the skin. The procedure provides a non-invasive, nonsurgical option to traditional facelift surgery. Ultherapy is a great option for patients who do not want the downtime or the risks of facelift surgery. Ultherapy provides patients excellent skin lifting benefits, but it does not yield the same dramatic results of facial surgery procedures.

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Considering a facelift but do not want the downtime or risks of surgery? Talk to Dr. Alqulali about Ultherapy. Call 1.888.716.0559

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Botox® is a botulinum toxin that is injected into the face to temporarily paralyze the muscles to prevent them from creating wrinkles and creases. It is used most often around the eyes and between the eyebrows to reduce the appearance of frown lines and crow’s feet. Some patients choose to have it injected near the mouth to eliminate laugh lines. The procedure takes about 10 minutes and is performed in the office. Most patients notice improvements in the appearance of their fine lines within a few days of treatment. The effects of Botox® last on average 3 to 6 months.

Injectable Fillers

Injectable dermal fillers are a great choice for patients who are looking to add volume to the skin. Facial volume decreases along with collagen and elastin production, leave the skin sagging and prone to wrinkling and creasing. Other contributors to the aging process include prolonged sun exposure, a poor diet, and smoking. Dermal fillers last between 3 months to 1 year and provide an excellent nonsurgical alternative to the facelift surgery procedure. Dermal fillers are used most commonly to improve the appearance of wrinkles around the nose and mouth and are an excellent option for patients who want to improve the fullness of their lips. Dermal fillers that we offer include Restylane®, Hylaform®, Juvederm®, Radiesse®, Sculptra®.

Juvederm® and Restylane®

Juvederm® and Restylane® are hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers used to replace lost volume in the face, specifically the lips and cheeks. Like collagen-based products, hyaluronic acid-based fillers do not pose an allergy risk and do not trigger reactions in patients. The results patients receive from hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers last approximately 4 to 6 months.


Sculptra® Aesthetic is a dermal filler used in the treatment of shallow to deep nasolabial folds and other facial wrinkles. Sculptra® encourages the body to increase the production of collagen to improve skin quality and smooth out wrinkles and creases. Patients choosing Sculptra® must be in good health. The results of the procedure last up to two years.

Collagen-based Fillers

Collagen-based dermal fillers have been used in cosmetic procedures for over 20 years. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and plays an important role in the skin’s ability to stretch and retract to its original shape. Collagen-based dermal fillers use human-derived collagen, which does not require allergy testing and does not cause reactions. Collagen-based dermal fillers do not last very long compared to other injectable fillers, and patients who choose these products should expect to have maintenance injections every few months. The alternative to collagen-based products are fillers based on hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is naturally found in the body and is critical for attracting water to the cells of the body to keep them hydrated and give them their shape.


Radiesse® is a water-based gel dermal filler approved for treating deep lines near the nose and mouth. Radiesse is made up of small calcium microspheres that boost collagen, a protein necessary for the skin’s ability to stretch and retract. Radiesse also improves skin quality, and skin is left feeling soft and supple. Results of Radiesse are very natural, and because it is water and calcium based, it rarely causes allergic reactions. Results of Radiesse are seen almost instantaneously and last between 9 to 12 months.

Laser Hair Removal

The Infinity Medical Group offers IPL laser hair removal in addition to our Med Spa skin treatments. The IPL procedure uses an intensely pulsed beam of light passed through the skin to target the dark pigment in hair known as melanin. This laser destroys hair follicles quickly and instantly.

Laser hair removal slows hair regrowth for many patients, but depending on the thickness of your hair, you may require several treatments to experiences extended periods of being hair-free. Some patients experience hair-free periods lasting several months to several years.

Laser hair removal can be almost anywhere on the body, but common treatment areas include the legs, arms, armpits, upper lip and chin, and the bikini area.

Laser hair removal is most successful in patients with dark (brown or black) hair and lighter skin tones. It can also be performed on patients with darker skin tones. It does not work for white, blonde, light brown, or light red hair.

For best results, allow hair to grow for several days before your scheduled laser hair removal appointment, so that hairs are visible but short. Avoid waxing or plucking the area of treatment for at least three weeks before your appointment. Some patients experience side effects of the procedure such as incomplete hair removal, temporary changes in skin pigmentation and skin texture, and in rare cases, blistering or scarring.

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Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive skin refreshing procedure that uses a spray of tiny crystals to remove the outermost layers of the skin that contains skin cells that are dead, dull, or dry or have become clogged by environmental pollution and dirt. Microdermabrasion also increases the production of collagen and elastin, tightening your skin and improving its quality.

As the crystals gently abrade the skin and slough off skin cells, a vacuum simultaneously suctions away the discarded dead cells, revealing new skin.

Microdermabrasion is an excellent option for treating sun-damaged skin. Other ideal candidates are patients with light to moderate acne scars or skin that has dulled over time from because of the aging process.

Microdermabrasion can make significant improvements in the quality and appearance of the skin. To maximize results, patients should have repeated microdermabrasion sessions every 4 to 6 weeks, or combine them with another skin rejuvenation procedure like a chemical peel or laser skin rejuvenation. Microdermabrasion can be performed on the face, neck, chest, and hands. After the procedure, the skin is sensitive to the sun for 7 to 10 days, so it is critical that patients wear sunscreen to protect the new skin.

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Chemical Peels

Chemical peels offer patients solution to reduce sun damage, acne scarring, uneven pigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles quickly, giving patients almost immediate results.

Chemical peels acids to create a controlled burn of the outermost layers of this skin. Acids most frequently used in the procedure include alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), glycolic acid, lactic acid, salicylic acid, or acids derived from fruits. After the solution is applied, the skin will blister and peel away, revealing fresh, bright, new skin.

The type of acid used for the chemical peel is determined by the patient’s needs, as different solutions work better for different skin problems. There are also different levels of peels, from light (lunchtime) peels to deep peels that differ regarding how long the solution is applied, how deep the solution penetrates, and how long patients can expect downtime after the procedure. Infinity Medical Group also offers the VI Peel, a chemical peel that is safe to use for all skin types and tones.

Patients who choose chemical peels to rejuvenate their skin can maximize their results by having a peel every 4 to 6 weeks until they reach their desired look. Chemical peels are not effective on patients with severe creasing and wrinkles, sagging, skin bulging, or a reduction in facial volume. Chemical peels can also be combined with other procedures for dramatic results.

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Menstrual Disorders

While a monthly period is a minor hassle for many women; women who suffer from a menstrual disorder experience pain and other severe symptoms as part of their period. For these individuals, their period is a major and debilitating occurrence.

Menstrual disorders include conditions like abnormal uterine bleeding, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, and uterine fibroids. Many women suffer from the menstrual disorder known as premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, and have symptoms like cramps, mood swings, and breast tenderness. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is also a menstrual disorder. Women with PMDD experience the symptoms of PMS, but their symptom is more extreme. Patients with PMDD report that these symptoms often interfere with their daily lives, work, and relationships. The cause of PMDD is unknown, but it is believed to be linked to severe fluctuations in hormones during the time of menstruation.

Although for many individuals, menstrual disorders are not serious, they are often extremely painful and disruptive to day to day life.

Menstrual disorders cause symptoms like:

Heavy bleeding

  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Mood swings

Treatments for these conditions include over-the-counter medications and pain relievers, hormone therapy, and ablation procedures. Some individuals who suffer from more serious symptoms benefit may benefit from a partial or full hysterectomy.

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Laser Skin Rejuvenation

The Infinity Medical Group offers intense pulsed light laser skin rejuvenation treatment, often called photo-facial or photo-rejuvenation therapy. IPL laser skin rejuvenation is a non-cosmetic skin treatment ideal for correcting skin irregularities, like scarring and uneven pigmentation and reducing the signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles.

The intense pulses of light of the treatment pass through the top layer of the skin to reach the blood vessels, pigment cells, and collagen protein of the layers below. These pulses increase the body’s production of collagen, which reduces fine lines, pore size, and acne scars. Increased collagen production tightens the skin and improves skin elasticity.

The ability of IPL laser skin rejuvenation to reach deeper into the layers of the skin allows it also to target broken blood vessels, capillaries, as well as red spots caused by rosacea, and brown spots like sun spots or melasma. IPL laser skin rejuvenation is beneficial to patients with roughly textured skin, caused by sun damage. Its ability to reach beyond the epidermis means that patients typically bypass periods of redness and peeling that is a side effect of traditional laser skin resurfacing treatment.

IPL laser skin rejuvenation is typically performed on the face, neck, and chest, but can be used anywhere on the body. The procedure takes about 45 minutes to 1 hour. After the procedure, patients with brown spots will experience darkening of the spot and flaking, and some patients may experience purple discoloration in the treated area.

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  • What kind of Med Spa treatments are available at Infinity Medical Group for skin rejuvenation?

    Our Med Spa services offer a variety of treatments for skin rejuvenation, including advanced therapies like DermaFrac™, RF needling, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and laser skin rejuvenation. These treatments are tailored to your specific skin concerns, aiming to enhance your natural beauty with minimal downtime.

  • Does Infinity Medical Group offer solutions for unwanted hair?

    Yes, we provide laser hair removal services for both the face and body. This treatment offers a safe and effective solution for reducing unwanted hair, helping you achieve smoother skin with lasting results.

  • Can you tell me about non-invasive treatments for fat reduction and skin lifting?

    Certainly. We offer cryobiosis for non-invasive fat cell reduction and Ultherapy for non-surgical skin lifting. These treatments target and eliminate unwanted fat cells and help to lift and tighten the skin, enhancing your appearance without the need for surgery.

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